Hier ist ein Chat, in dem bitte nur in Englisch geredet wird...das fördert die Bildung
If you have Problems with understanding sth., look here: www.leo.org or ask so. (e.g. me) with a pm ^^ try to write good english (fluent, not so many grammatical or ortographival mistakes and so on) you can correct the others if you see mistakes, but: be nice!
okay, lets start
Nanoflot Farmer Ass
Anzahl der Beiträge : 494 Alter : 30 Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : Anmeldedatum : 02.07.08
('I'm back in 2 minutes' is better ) well, looks like you're already back ^-^ you haven't to say that you'll go away if it's for less than 5 minutes...^^
Nanoflot Farmer Ass
Anzahl der Beiträge : 494 Alter : 30 Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : Anmeldedatum : 02.07.08
oO" if said you shouldn't say 'I notice I' but 'I'll remember' 'I notice I' would say 'Ich bemerke ich' and this is senseless
little-Flower Bauer Prinz
Anzahl der Beiträge : 997 Alter : 28 Ort : Esslingen Laune : Gute Laune Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : HM RPG - Name : Katja MM RPG - Name : Ray Anmeldedatum : 06.06.08
to you, too.. did you know that reading english stories can be really cool an funny? and sometimes it's soo informative... *sight* especially if you read a book in english, which was first published in America/the UK, because it helps to understand the story better (they're taking soo much away in the german trnslation >.<)
Nanoflot Farmer Ass
Anzahl der Beiträge : 494 Alter : 30 Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : Anmeldedatum : 02.07.08
thats wasn't nice >.< (in fact, it was really lousy of you) and why should I am crazy? Only because I don't understand what you want to say? -.-" please look what you're writing and don't insult other people for being something like that
Nanoflot Farmer Ass
Anzahl der Beiträge : 494 Alter : 30 Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : Anmeldedatum : 02.07.08
see, there are some possibilities to translate parts which you don't understand (or translate your sentences into proper english ^^) so, use the translation possibility of Google
Nanoflot Farmer Ass
Anzahl der Beiträge : 494 Alter : 30 Personalized field : ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ : Anmeldedatum : 02.07.08